Wow, I'm up and at'em before baby girl this morning...well I guess with a huge thirst issue and a super duper headache, I couldn't get back to sleep after feeding here I am clunking away at the computer and listening to the silent hum of the flourescent lights in the kitchen.
So anyhow, now that I've had some Ibruprofen and a glass of water, I'd better get to the story at hand...I FINALLY fit some of my skinny clothes yesterday!! Whooohooo!
I had a rough week last week with eating and also started running again a few times so I think I was retaining water really well and didn't lose any pounds by Friday. Needless to say, this got me really annoyed and I just gorged on Saturday, eating anything I could get my hands on! But thankfully, I then came to my senses on Sunday and resumed normal eating habits and went for another run. And even though I didn't lose any weight, I do feel smaller and less fatty in the middle area and am thinking that this is the effect of running.
I've been somewhat of a runner for a few years now but have had a good break lately and since being pregnant I've aquired a never-before, Michelin-sized tire around my middle zone. Figuring that it would not go away, I've just been focusing on eating healthy to lose weight. But now that I've added a little bit of running, I'm starting to think that it might go away with a little more running and hence 'sculpting' of the tire. hehe! Cool idea.
So yeah, I tried some of my 'skinny' clothes on yesterday and was able to button or zip some of them up, YAH! I wouldn't wear them out in public just yet, as having witnessed a muffin top, but hey, its a step forward and I know that day is coming pretty damn soon!
And about that 10lb goal by the end of March...I think I have 5 or so pounds to go which is pretty decent and still do-able.