...have?!Is this a cycle we humans love to enter into?! I'm beginning to wonder that of myself lately...especially after reading a terrific, yet eye-opening and somewhat terrifying book called
"Stupid to the Last Drop: How Alberta is Bringing Environmental Armageddon to Canada (And Doesn't Seem to Care)" by William Marsden.
It's about the dirty, polluted oilsands projects that are burgeoning the land to a massive, atomic-sized mess just south of here...not to mention what it's doing to the watershed system that flows directly up here...and questions raised by bands, just north of the mines, about unusual and increasing cancer rates...and the oil & gas crisis ($$$) on the horizon (or already here).
So, needless to say, I'm not normally a fear-mongerer but this book has got me worried a tad. Or more so. About oil consumption in general. Maybe like how people got worried about it after they watched Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"...I wouldn't know as I still haven't watched it yet...
*GASP*...yes, I know...how could I not!??
After all, I'm an environmentalist!!?
But now, I'm realizing, maybe I was scared and in denial...like everyone else in Alberta.
So no more denial...this is my full force "we gotta do something about our consumption here"...this is me talking to my husband who wants a BIIIIIIG damn truck to carry his boy-toys in...! So I see that this is going to be a tough debate. (Maybe I'll get him to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" with me...)
Anyways, back to my initial question: Do we always want what we can't have?!
I've always wanted to move to the city...and after thinking about what an oil crisis might do to our society...maybe we're better off staying up here where we can sustain our own lives if things as such ever go wrong...I know that I'm thinking hypothetically of the worst scenario here (we humans like to do that too, I think)...
I dunno......maybe I should read more about Europe and what they've been doing to alleviate such a crisis since they've been dealing with it for years now. Hence, the tiny cars and mass of bike riders...
Oi; life is such a funny debate sometimes...