Thursday, July 23

Hilariousities and such!

No, hilariousity is not a word.
But it is my new favourite expression! :P

And ok, so these pics are from about 2 weeks ago...

They are of me and my girl
having a blast and being funny
using the Photobooth effects
(while I took a well-needed
break from reading my articles).

If the last photo is any inclination,
at that point I was laughing so hard I was crying!
And boy, did I need that! :)

We are definitely related!!

Wednesday, July 22

Rain, rain...


And seriously, DON'T COME BACK!

This summer 'situation' reminds me of myself

in wintertime telling the snow to go away...

This rain is definitely getting to me.

This is not normal for this town to be so cold and wet like this.

I cherish my summers so much!

Yesterday was the first HOT day of the summer.

+28 and that's not even hot.

We haven't even experienced +30 yet!!

Not acceptable!

So yesterday while it was +28 (EEEEE!!)

I played hooky and stayed home in the afternoon to

try and write my paper.

But I did so outside basking in the beautiful sunlight and heat!

I could definitely use another deca

of centigrades in temperature.

+35 would be FANTASTIC!!

Sooo happy for the heat!

The dogs feeling happy to have a companion outside with them!
(and a MUCH needed bottle of deet!
when you live up here you learn to live with the bugs too!)

I am dreaming.

Of Hawaii.

And pina coladas.

I swear I was born to live in the tropics.

Too bad the hubby likes snow! BAH!

Well, the rest of the week is looking up.

Mostly sunny with temperature in the late 20's.

If the forecast doesn't change again!

Ohhh, I hope not!

Monday, July 20


So this is the stack of paper's that I've been reading for the past 2 weeks...
Looking at the stack sitting there in front of me, it is more than I originally thought!
now I'm supposed to write the paper!


Now I am stuck.
I cannot focus.
I cannot think clearly.
My eyes are fuzzy.
I am tired.
I am hungry.
I just want to glaze on Etsy all day.

I need a vacay!

Nonetheless, I will not get one.
And I must write this thing by Wednesday at the latest.
So please, please, please, please...
Send me lots of brain energy thingies!
Because, dude, I'm all busted up!
And getting burnt out!

Friday, July 17

A Daily Dose of Sweetness!

My daughter *really* likes to play dress-up!
Like really.
For serious.
This has been our daily routine lately
after I pick her up from the sitter's!

She loves it and, well...
So do I! hehe

as Cinderella...
as Fairy Godmother... :)

Thursday, July 16


I will post about this oopsie at a later time ...
Haven't got time right now!
I am frantically reading a billioin articles so that I can write my paper this weekend!!!!!!
Good news is I am getting smarter!!
See. I can't even spell "billion"!
Yes, it is so!

Saturday, July 11

Random smatterings

I do not have Starbucks available at my disposal...
So this is how I deal.
Not bad, eh!

And this is how I would look if I was a martian....
Or just if I had not had any coffee.
(notice the significantly smaller-sized head 
that is ready to explode out  the top, hehe)

Monday, July 6


Is that you...?!


The sun has come out to play!

And umbrella's will only be used now 
for protecting little princesses 
from the hot sun ;)

And alas ... 
I am still writing this blasted paper...
It's gonna be a lonnnnng month.

Note to self: 
Have GOT to set up an outdoor study area.
Preferably at the lake.

Sunday, July 5

Things that are not fun:

1) work
2) homework!
3) potty-training
4) constant rain
5) not being able to go outside when it stops raining because you are too busy performing #1, #2 and #3.

Wednesday, July 1


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We celebrate even in the rain :)