Thursday, October 29

Current day: Thursday, October 29, 2009

Current status:
19 weeks & 3 days.

Current mood:
annoyed as all hell at various things in life. Oh and utterly impatient I 9 months yet??? Geeeez. :P

Current tasks:
working at work, working out at home, cooking, cleaning, caring, freaking out, pulling my hair out, needing to desperately get my pulled-out hair fashioned up & working on my thesis literature review...another words a tonne of reading. Again. ugh. (cannot. get. motivated.)

Current weekend plans:
getting an ultrasound and hopefully finding out the gender of our baby!!!!! (the husband is, of course, wanting to find out and make sure that all fingers and toes and other various parts are all there & attached properly...what is it with the dad's always being nervous about there being an alien in there??? lol)

I especially like that last one about the gender. ;)
I can't believe it's already nearly November!!!

Wednesday, October 14

4 months

Wow...this sure is a 'slimming' picture!
Here I am, at 4 months...
(I must have got lucky with a good angle, haha)
And since I've gained ENOUGH weight already...
and now that I'm not so sick
and not feeling like I need to eat everything in sight anymore,
I am now focusing on eating more healthily
and making sure I exercise
and continue with my strength training
so that I feel strong and fit for the BIG DAY!

PS -
Oh hey...
did I mention that our whole household
(and the whole region, actually)
came down with the H1N1/swine flu two weeks ago!?
Well we did, as far as our regional news coverage tell us...

I actually DO hope that it was the H1N1
because I'd like to now think that I'm immune.
Brooklyn got the worst of it...mainly a fever and a nasty cough.
But basically like a regular flu/cold.
She's recovering quite nicely now.
I had very mild symptoms; tired, sore throat,
and asthma-like symptoms (which was highly annoying).
Jody and his mom got sick too but are all better.

All in all, everyone is a-ok!
The scare (and the constant fear-mongering)
is over for us hopefully.
I hope that people in the rest of the region
and world fairs well also.

Saturday, October 10

And a few days after autumn arrived...



*Hi...can you let me in now?!*

Friday, October 2

Autumn love.

Daddy & Brooklyn making bannock (an aboriginal type of biscuit)
to go with my homemade cranberry jam. YUM! :)

Jody, his mom and Brooklyn
(I ran ahead to take the pic)
walking to my brother's hunting cabin in the bush.
I grew up in this place: it used to be my dad's "tent-frame".

The most beautiful place to be in the fall.
Lots of cranberries too!!

My dad and my big brother.
Your typical Northern hunting dudes.

Papere and Brooklyn by the river
checking out the mint leaves.