Sunday, January 24

Aurora Borealis in Fort Smith

I am pretty lucky to be able to view
the magnificent Northern Lights
year-round with various intensities of display
(green, yellow, white, pink, and the rare red).

This community lies on the 60th parallel
which is actually right on one of the main gravity belts
that are believed to create
the most intense aurora borealis.
They are witnessed, though, mainly on cold, dark
and clear winter evenings,
since summers are too bright (18 hours of sunlight).

I grew up whistling to the Northern Lights
by the banks of the Slave River
(the aboriginal legend here says that if you whistle at them,
they will dance around more intensely and come down and
take you away to the otherworld in the sky).
We frightingly and excitingly tested this theory many times
with the results of, indeed,
more intensely dancing Northern Lights,
but we never did get swept away into the Otherworld.
Trust me...we were testy teenagers. ;)

Anyhow, we've had our various fill of
talented, local photographers documenting
these magnificent lights throughout the years
but here is the most recent talent that I've recently found...
I really just want to make some
purchases of this type of photography
before we move south in the next few years.
Something to hang on my wall and remember
my childhood when I am living
south and nowhere near the magnificent and
beautiful Northern Lights.
Something to remind me of home.

So here is a noteworthy local artist
who makes a living from taking
these magnificent photos of my Aurora Borealis:

Also a screenshot of the Town of Fort Smith website:

Tuesday, January 19

Decisions, decisions....and FISH!

So I've been thinking a lot lately...and my latest decision in life was to extend my mother-in-law's visit that was initially for 3 weeks to 5 weeks....and now I have, once again, extended it (from slow-thinking/decision-making issues due to pregnancy-brain) to include ALL SUMMER, ha! I don't think she has any qualms about fact I am quite certain that she is tickled pink (and blue!) that she gets to spend the extra time with her grandchildren. We are flying her over in March, right before baby arrives and she will stay with us right up until September, if all works out okay.

And as far as raising children goes...I admit it. I need help. Chances are childbirth recovery will be difficult for me (especially if I have another cesarean) along with catering to a newborn every 2-3 hours for feedings ALL day, EVERY day for the first 3-4 months. And that in addition to having a 3 year old, who has, lately, been acting like she is 13(!!!), will be difficult for me to handle. I can foresee it now.

I may sound like a sissy whiner to all those parents out there who have many children, but oh well....since becoming a mom, the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" has never rang more true for me. But of course, as tough as it is sometimes, I would NEVER trade parenthood in the world for anything else and I'm quite excited to welcome a new baby into my world once again very soon! =)

Countdown for baby = 8 weeks!!!!


I also just came across some photos the other day
that my husband took while on a work trip
(well ok; it was really a half work, half fishing trip...
or better yet, a 1/4 work, 3/4 fishing trip! hehe)
that he was lucky to take last year in April,
right before his dad's health took a drastic turn for the worse...
He grew up fly-fishing off the coasts of Newfoundland
and he ABSOLUTELY LOVES to fish.
And in the 7 years of me moving him up here to live up North,
this was only his 2nd official Northern fishing trip (the poor guy)
(you have to fly out
to the lakes up here in order to get the good fishing
and this can be very expensive).
So I thought I'd share a few snapshots
of one of his adventures.
And he took some beautiful pictures, I must say! =)

Enjoy a few images of the Great White North
(at Thekulthili Lake; pronounced Teh-kull-tee)
in the springtime:

My very sexy & proud fisherman
with his catch of Lake Trout &
(mostly) Jackfish (Northern Pike)!

And we're going to be cooking up
one of these bad boys this very weekend!!!
YUM! =)

Giveaway Info!!!!!!!!

Check out this GIVEAWAY from the FABULOUS & LOVELY jewellery artist, Rosy Revolver!!

Please go and took-a-look at her lovely work! ;)

Thursday, January 14

6 weeks left....(RANT)

....until I am DONE, DONE, DONE work!

Yes, another countdown for me to excitedly occupy myself with...

Let me just say that I can't really complain that I have a job. Especially in these unsure times. However, for the past few months, things have slightly gone to the sh-ts and everything (in most departments; not just mine) has been put on a sort of 'hold' due to recent developments from the summer and so on. A hold where you still come in to work every day but only perform the measly tasks at in and day out. For, I dunno, 6 months straight. It has been this way for most of the office staff anyhow. And I don't really handle boredom all that well. Or feeling non-important and non-existant. I actually despise it...I've only stuck it out because of the money, the lack of other job opportunities in this place and because my husband is in the middle of his apprentice and I am waiting a few years until he is done so we can move the "H-E-double hockey sticks" outta here!

Needless to say, I've been going slightly out of my mind alternatively *trying* to focus on my literature thesis review during this "down-time", but instead have proceeded to become way too pre-occupied with this pregnancy. For example, I could have easily been busy reading and writing for my literature review but, go figure, when all in life turns stagnant so does the brain when it comes to doing a little bit of research. It has been difficult to sit and concentrate on reading (verrrry boring articles) for hours on end while feeling nautious, heartburny and freakin' hormonal. I'm not saying I couldn't have done it, I'm just saying I didn't, and that those are my (however pitiful) excuses.

So anyhow, I've got 6 more weeks left until I officially start my maternity leave...YAYYY!!! I am taking the FULL year off this time (not just 7-8 months like last time). In fact, maybe longer to spend (what I feel is) much more time and well-needed energy with my glourious and beautiful babies at home. I think they deserve more mommy-time and I obviously have been needing more baby/kid-time too. Heck, I may even start my own consulting business (later on) and work here and there, and whenever I gosh-darn feel like it!

I just figure that, even if this job is still available to me once I'm done my mat. leave, that sometimes all the money in the world just isn't worth the happiness that will continuously be seeped from my veins due to a detrimental and lagging work environment.

So anyhow, this 'revelation' is kind of ironic for me now, because 3 years ago today I was sitting in my house, actually ON maternity leave with my first beautiful baby (not even 5 months into it), and bless her soul, I was on the opposite end of the spectrum and seriously toiling and fretting on life and how important it is that I get that "perfect" job....only to realize a few months later after I *did* get the job and lived it for awhile (way too long if you ask me!) that it's just not everything in the world and is definitely not what I want anymore. Atleast not at this point in my life.

Funny how things change like that.
But I gather it's perfect timing. =)

Friday, January 8

30 weeks!!!

I am now 7.5 months pregnant! PHEW!
10 more weeks to go, give or take a week (hopefully NO MORE--goodness!!!).

I am actually feeling better with more energy than I have felt for the first time in this whole pregnancy. The second trimester is traditionally *supposed* to be the "honeymoon" period, however, this time with me, it seems that the 3rd trimester is "the one"...weird. But I'll take it!

That is surprisingly nice, especially after 7 months of dragging my behind! I'm still dragging it with being this MUCH heavier and the pressure that put on the body. But I think I quite prefer having this extra energy, regardless. Crooked pains and all.

Anyhow, here is my 7.5 month picture: today.
And BOY, is this baby a KICKER!
I think we've got a pro soccer player cookin' it up in there!! heheh!

Here is my little sweetheart getting caught off-guard.
So pretty, I just love her! =)

She has been quite trying these days...but I've realized that, as a mom, I have been too. So this week I've decided not to be such the strict disciplinarian that I had recently taken on being (due to increased stress levels and feeling so crappy). And to just let go of the little nit-pickity things that I pick at her for doing (you know it's bad when you become VERY annoyed with hearing yourself NAG so much! OY.). And since then, I've already noticed a more positive change with her. And myself too. Parenting is definitely a struggle at times, but when things are going smoothly with less, so-called, head-butting and more gentleness, it really is so much more FUN! =)


Here is Brooklyn playing dress-up
in her new dress-up clothes on Christmas day!
Such a doll!

Her papérè wanted to play along also!! hahah!
(By the way, he naturally has blackish hair, hehe)
This guy is a one-of-a-kind, crazy dude!
I love my daddy! =)

Oh and PS - the turkey turned out AWESOME!!!!
My husband was in control of it and he did a wicked job!
I should have taken more pictures but was so busy I didn't even think of it!
I worked on the homemade stuffing and
we both pitched in for the rest of the dishes & goodies.
And we ended up having WAY too much food for just the 7 of us...
So lesson learned but it was a great experience too!

I hope you all, also, had a wonderful holiday season!!
And all the absolute BEST WISHES for this new year, 2010!!! :)