Friday, August 31

Calorie catch up...and weight in

Weigh-in for today = 169 lbs: lost 1 measly pound!! Oh well, atleast I'm in another weight, I think I have more inches because my regular pants are getting pretty baggy on me, I feel like I got saggy! But still don't comfortably fit into my mid-weight jeans yet...they fit but still a bit too tight to wear them with confidence. So I guess, all in all, it's going good. Any progress in good.

And since I haven't been posting my calories lately I will post my catch-up list too. I did eat bad on a few days, in the whole, the day that I was in YK and then when I got back (emotional eating that nite). But overall, it looks not too bad.

Starting from yesterday (today has not been eaten yet) and descending to previous days:

Thursday (Aug.30): 1285 ...slightly over...found some damn ice cream :(
Wednesday: 1308 ...over
Tuesday: 1160 ...good job
Monday: 1079 ...under!
Sunday: 1222 ...good
Saturday: 2133 ...way over!
Friday: 1772 ...over...
Thursday: 1338 ....kinda over
Wednesday: 1314 ...again over
Tuesday: 1442 ...and again
Monday: 1233 ...good
Sunday: 1658 ...yup
Saturday (Aug.18): 2050 ...I guess I didn't do as great as I initially thought :(

I think Aug. 17 was my last calorie posting date...yup, so there you have it. Not too bad but could be better...I don't know why I only lost one pound :(

Oh well...keep on trucking, as they say :)
They also never said it would be easy!

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