Friday, January 18

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Well, I'm happy this week...I lost 2 more pounds in the last few days. So that's about 5 pounds this last week! Great stuff especially considering last week when I didn't lose a damn thing! But I was sick last week so I knew I just had to stick it through and sure enough it has paid off! This new development along with a Monday-weighing gives me the encouragement to eat good this weekend too.

I'm feeling much better and much healthier in general already. And I'm eating whatever I want as long as I stay within calorie range. Although this restriction encourages me to try to include more fibre and healthy foods such as veggies...although I've been on a homemade bread phase lately...since I make bread every weekend now. I just need something productive to do with all of this extra energy that I have...coinciding with the winter blues (I am getting utterly bored being stuck inside in this -40C weather)! Making bread gives me something to do and I have that sense of accomplishment afterwards that I made something so yummy! hehe! Plus, I'm beginning to think that I won't need to buy bread anymore...rather just make it for my family instead!!

So this weekend should be relaxing. And I've survived my first 2 weeks of counting calories again and feel like I never left! I almost forgot how easy and convenient counting was; it's not a diet after all! Everything is in moderation, and nothing deprived. No obsessive compulsiveness...which I tend to be with a lot of things. Including food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW ... U ROCK!!!! Congrats to the great start into your diet!

Seriously, 5 pounds a week? That's a lot... but mainly water I guess... at least that's what happens to me whenever i restart with my diet...

By the way... you could compensate your shopping addiction with running! But soon you'll have your sauna anyways, hahaha

So... i hope you'll post regularly here again :-)
