Tuesday, December 16

Excited and busy!

I'm sooooo excited!! JD gets home in t-minus 4 sleeps!! We haven't seen him in 2 months!! Brooklyn is talking about "daddy" everyday really lots now. I can tell she really misses him.
He gets home very late Friday evening (early Saturday morning) after driving 14 or so hours to get home. And Saturday evening, we've got a babysitter lined up so we can go to his work's Christmas party. It should be a fun night. We rarely go out like that =)

And then my girls are taking me out on the town next week (most of us have that week off) for my 30th birthday to go DANCING!! I haven't been out dancing in awhile! Phew! It's gonna be a blast =)

And THEN! The day or two after Christmas we are making a trip to Vancouver to visit my sister nda her little family for New Years!!! Can't WAIT to see them and watch Brooklyn play with her little cousin Dariusz!!

On another note regarding busy. I've been trying to get to doing some reading and research to nail down my thesis topic...so far I know who I'll be working with (a Bison Ecologist here in town) and I know that I'll be doing some kind of mapping and ecological work with regards to Wood Bison (buffalo) that we have up here. Maybe something dealing with transmission of disease between herds (turbucolosis/brucellosis) as those issues are big up here. So needless to say, I'll be reading lots before Friday when I go meet with the Bison Ecologist. I want to have my thesis proposal in to my University supervisor before January. Wish me luck! I feel like I know nothing! ack!

Oh! And I am staying home for a third week with JD and my lil' Buddha!!! I decided that I'll take another block-week condensed course in the Spring. After reading up some more about it, I just didn't think that the course I signed up for in January was very much in line with my degree, so I opted out. But I'm really happy with that decision!! I get to be with my family for an extra week!!! =D



MrsLittleJeans said...

Hey, what a neat topic for a thesis...I saw your posting on TheNoisyPlume BTW...Happy Holidays!

CrashingBison said...

Oh thank you! =)
I LOVE The Noisy Plume!!!
Happy Holidays to you too!!! =D