Thursday, March 5

My future is so bright...

I gotta wear shades!

So, after 2 or so years, I FINALLY got myself some new sunglasses!
(My dog, Rusty, loves to chew EVERYTHING!)
And I finally changed up my 'style' and opted for a bit bigger of an eye piece.
I'm a nerd, I know! haha

Me and my new Ray Bans...
Excellent for my up and coming 17 hour drive home in April!
And for our partial road trip to get to Newfoundland this summer!

Too cool for school?! 
Nahhh...not quite. hehe

Rusty, as you can see, used to be my 'baby' before my real baby arrived :)
I often call him my little red-headed 'shit-zu'! 
(b/c he gets into it alot, heheh)

And, of course, feeling reminiscent and missing my girl, 
I had to post this adorable pic of her when she was just 
Can you believe it?!
I cannot!
She is wearing Papérès fur hat while Rusty sniffs at it intensely. 
Something for him to eat seeing as he's already 
eaten my Dene fur cloud purse, scarf AND pillow!!!
(snowshoe hare fur)
Oh yeah, and my sunglasses too!

I miss these guys :)


susie said...

Too cute! I also have a red dog that chews everything. At least it gave you an excuse to get some new cool shades. Love the pic of the little missy. My sis gave birth to a healthy boy this morning! Better get to work so I get up there and see our new little man. Have a good weekend.

CrashingBison said...

Awww congrats!!!!!! How exciiiiiting!! :D