I don't really have anything new to post.
I'm just busy trying to get stuff done before I leave.
And I've gotten quite a bit done this week actually.
So in the past day or two or three
I've sort of had
moments of "unbusyness"...
Which is not fun when
I can think about is going home.
But, ahh, life is one big challenge after another.
And I realize that I am incredibly
lucky to have such opportunity
and such confounding support.
I guess it's quite an ideal time now for
a reflection of sorts
in this very difficult,
yet short period of time
in my life
which is soon coming to a close.
So I will do my best to make
it a good reflection of sorts.
12 more days
till I get to see this beautiful little girl!
She really reminds me of me
when I was a little girl
except she's got her
father's beautiful hazel-green eyes.

Oh how my love grows each day for this child of mine.
I never knew love could be this GRAND.
How did I get so lucky?! *sniff sniff*
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