And voila!
Here is a touque! ;)

Look! It even has a pom-pom & a polar bear on it...
Which is the symbol for living in the Canadian North.
Did you know all of our license plates in the territory where I live
are shaped as polar bears?!
I will take a picture of mine someday.
So I call this a touque.
What do you call it?
I'm curious now. =)
Haube :D
Oh! I should have known. We call that a toboggan. (Which I never understood because that's also how we refer to our sleds . . . not like it's ever cold enough to use either that much . . .) : )
Here in St. Louis, we call that a hat.
P.S. Snow in September, really??
P.P.S. Love that you have polar bear license plates.
hehehe no polar bear shaped license plates here in BC - but plenty of toques on the mountains!
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