Friday, August 31

New Research Topic!!

WHOOOHOOO!! I just got approved for my new research topic for my thesis!! And I can start on it whenever I like!

My supervisor said it sounded very exciting and meaningful and even wants to help out with the field and ground work that will, no doubt, be needed! (Note: I had to ask her whether she would be willing to take me on again as a student when I officially return to grad school in Jan09!!)

But more details later on!!! I'm just relishing in my triumph after days of feeling anxiety from waiting to hear back from her...worried about her rejection. But she's so game! And so it's a GO!!! WHOOHOO!!


Kate said...

Coooool!!! Does that mean you're going to research on your thesis and even start with it soon? Or do you have to wait until january 09?

CrashingBison said...

I can start it anytime!! WHOOO! :D But I just need to get my sh*t in place, first! hehe! Contacts, info., research proposal written up, along with perhaps methods of collecting the data. I could collect the data this winter if I wanted but I will probably do it next winter for sure...before I start school ;)