So first my little obssession and collecting started out with rings, then just plain ol' jewellery in it's turned a whole new avenue that includes stones!! What the heck!? I honestly don't know what is happening to me!! I've never been a collector of anything before really!! Except maybe sandals... But, truthfully, I am really liking it (obviously, why else would I be obssessed with doing it!? hehe). It must give me some sort of purpose. Now that I think about it, it's just like shopping I guess, hehe. The thrill and the pretties.
Currently I've realized that I like to see my collections grow. I am proud of them. I like to display them...somewhere high enough though where baby girl can't get at them; but she loves them too and kisses each ring I wear when she sees them on my fingers, haha.
And so I've recently purchased my first 4 stones...I have no idea what I'll do with these stones besides stare at them in awe, LOL! And keep them on a pretty plate so I could do just that. But, ohhh, lately I am having HUUUGE crushes on moukite, Morgan Hill Poppy jasper (!!!), laguna agate, turquoise (which I have yet to buy) and just really different stones with bursts of wild colour or ever-wicked patterns on them! As you may be able to tell from my first ever purchases below... (First 2)

ebay seller stephitom65

Oh, and I should mention that I purchased a book called The Crystal Bible as well...I have yet to crack it open but the concept of crystals and stones and healing and feelings really intrigues me.
OH MY WORD... is that last one a POPPY JASPER?!?? drooooool...
Um, I think I have this syndrome. I got four packages of stones in the mail yesterday, and I have some of them spread out on a sketch pad while I work today so that I can stare at them and doodle designs. Nice choices - carry on you joyful gatherer.
Emily: I know, right?! =) I freakin' LOVE this stone!!! And YES it is a poppy jasper! The lady described it as a "Pimento" poppy jasper b/c it looks like an olive in a martini drink...YUM! lol!
Susie: I wish I was a doodler and could make even more pretty things from these stones too! Maybe one day I'll take it up and encourage the "artist in me" if there is such a thing! hehe!
There is no going back: once you begin to be obsessed with stones you just never recover.
My condolences ;)
(and welcome to the club!)
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